Creating a Visible Change
We believe peace is possible by the simple acts of love, sharing who we are and what we have. World Peace Youth is a meeting place where International youth commune to share ideas and experiences through live video.
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Roundtable Discussions
Join in live discussions with youth from around the world who are sure to be our future world peace leaders. Hear their ideas on how to make the world a more peaceful place for all of us.
These young Ambassadors of Peace are not only our future,
They are our present.
To Build Peace... Go Beyond All Borders
Interactive Live Webinar ~ July 7, 2018
(all webinars are free of charge)
Meet our Speakers
Our Future
The youth today are our future World Peace Leaders tomorrow. Their visions are pure and filled with hope for a peaceful tomorrow for all of us.
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Peace & Stereotypes
On March 25, 2017, the World Peace Youth Webinar focussed on Peace & Stereotypes. Ali Alberto Ponte Ramirez of Venezuela & Tomas Villar de Rohde of Germany interviewed our featured panelists who discussed their experiences with stereotyping and how it has affected their lives personally and in the work place.